January 30, 2011

Book 6. Intertwined.

Title: Intertwined
Author: Gena Showalter

Pages: 304Date Started: Jan 27th, 2011Date Finished: Jan 28th, 2011Did you like it? I did enjoy it, yes. The writing was done very well and I think Showalter did a good job of balancing the characters out and making the story believable even with the fact it had a lot to do with paranormal activities. Her take on vampires and werewolves was very interesting and different to me. Plus the thought of a boy with four souls trapped inside of him, all with different abilities that he could use was what intrigued me with this book in the first place. It wasn't entirely captivating, but there were parts where I couldn't put it down because I just wanted to know what would happen next. I would rate it a 4/6. I liked it, I feel she did really well with the story line, but the story itself didn't blow me away and it was a little boring at some parts.
What's it about? It is mostly about a 16 year old boy named Aden who lives with four souls trapped inside of him. The book says they're in his head, but that's weird for me to think about...he's a whole being, why can't they just be inside of him? Anyway...he's spent most of his life in looney bins being medicated because he talks to "himself" and people think he's schizophrenic. He gets a lucky break though and ends up on this work farm, and after he meets a girl that negates his powers (yes, very happy Aden, having his head space all to himself) He gets to enroll in public school and a whole new world of vampires, werewolves, faeries, demons, goblins and everything else opens up to him. I really loved the character of Mary Anne, the girl who negates his powers. I found her to be very believable and I could even relate to her a few times through the book. Also, Riley...hot werewolf boy. Sometimes I guess I'd just like to see an unattractive, un-god like, un-chiseled werewolf and have the female of the novel still be attracted to him, but that's just a personal gripe. Victoria, for me, fluctuated too much in her emotions ans what she wanted to share to come across as a believable character and most of the scenes she was in, I wished she wasn't. Plus this book had that whole, ~Love at first sight~ thing I really dislike and to me is completely unrealistic no matter the circumstances. Anyway, this book pretty much has it all, drama, intrigue, && high school suckishness. 


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