Title: Graceling
Author: Kristen Cashore
Pages: 471
Date Started: Jan 30th, 2011
Date Finished: Feb 1st, 2011
Did you like it? At first it didn't really pull me in. The first 100 pages or so were more I could feel the fingers of interest resting on me but they weren't pulling me into the story, into the world. The book had a slow start but definitely made up for it throughout the rest of the novel. It sent me through a whirlwind/roller coaster of emotions but I never found myself having to put the book down because of ridiculousness like I occasionally had to with the Mortal Instruments series. And when the love aspect is introduced into the book, I felt it was necessary, beautiful even. The seagway between who Katsa was and who she became was beautifully done. I would definitely give this novel a 6/6. I cried with the characters, I laughed with the characters, and I clapped with the book was finished. It was an amazing work of art.
What's it about? In the world Kristen Cashore has created, there are people who are graced, called gracelings, who possess an immense amount of skill in one area. These people have two different colored eyes and are mostly avoided by more "normal" people- ones without graces. Katsa is graced with Killing, and this is basically unheardof for a woman. People avoid her like the plague and it definitely doesn't help the situation that her uncle (A King of one of the seven kingdoms) uses her as a type of punishment. Katsa isn't so comfortable with this and the reader arrives in media res to her becoming more and more unlikely to hurt people for her uncle. She's realizing that he's just a big bully. After a few "incidents" she leaves her uncles Kingdom, with Po (the gold and silver eyed Linead graced with fighting) in search of his grandfathers kidnapper. This book is about finding yourself, pushing yourself and learning that other people control you only if you let them. It's a love story and a horror story. It's beautiful and it's gripping. The character of Po is brilliant, he's funny and loving, his grace is amazing and he balances Katsa amazingly. I don't actually want to give a lot of this one away either because I do think people should read it, if you haven't.
Author: Kristen Cashore
Pages: 471
Date Started: Jan 30th, 2011
Date Finished: Feb 1st, 2011
Did you like it? At first it didn't really pull me in. The first 100 pages or so were more I could feel the fingers of interest resting on me but they weren't pulling me into the story, into the world. The book had a slow start but definitely made up for it throughout the rest of the novel. It sent me through a whirlwind/roller coaster of emotions but I never found myself having to put the book down because of ridiculousness like I occasionally had to with the Mortal Instruments series. And when the love aspect is introduced into the book, I felt it was necessary, beautiful even. The seagway between who Katsa was and who she became was beautifully done. I would definitely give this novel a 6/6. I cried with the characters, I laughed with the characters, and I clapped with the book was finished. It was an amazing work of art.
What's it about? In the world Kristen Cashore has created, there are people who are graced, called gracelings, who possess an immense amount of skill in one area. These people have two different colored eyes and are mostly avoided by more "normal" people- ones without graces. Katsa is graced with Killing, and this is basically unheardof for a woman. People avoid her like the plague and it definitely doesn't help the situation that her uncle (A King of one of the seven kingdoms) uses her as a type of punishment. Katsa isn't so comfortable with this and the reader arrives in media res to her becoming more and more unlikely to hurt people for her uncle. She's realizing that he's just a big bully. After a few "incidents" she leaves her uncles Kingdom, with Po (the gold and silver eyed Linead graced with fighting) in search of his grandfathers kidnapper. This book is about finding yourself, pushing yourself and learning that other people control you only if you let them. It's a love story and a horror story. It's beautiful and it's gripping. The character of Po is brilliant, he's funny and loving, his grace is amazing and he balances Katsa amazingly. I don't actually want to give a lot of this one away either because I do think people should read it, if you haven't.
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