February 5, 2016

Review: Sirensong (Faeriewalker #3) by Jenna Black

Today I am reviewing SIRENSONG by Jenna Black. I wanted to come on here and be able to say that I loved the third installment of the Faeriewalker series by Jenna Black. Unfortunately, that would not be wholly true. Though I did enjoy returning to Avalon, Dana, and her friends, it felt like it was too long in coming and I was visiting strangers. Nonetheless, I still enjoyed reading SIRENSONG.

 Title: Sirensong, Faeriewalker #3
Author: Jenna Black          Pages: 312        C/W: 2011
Publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin, NY
Date Started: 1/14/2016           Date Finished: 1/21/2016
 Synopsis: (Goodreads)
When Dana is invited to Faerie to be officially presented at the Seelie Court, it’s no easy decision. After all, everyone knows Titania, the Seelie Queen, wants her dead. But Titania claims not to be the one behind the death threats; and her son, Prince Henry, makes the decision a whole lot easier when he suggests Dana might be arrested for (supposedly) conspiring with her aunt Grace to usurp the Seelie throne. So she and her father better do as they're told . . .
The journey through Faerie is long—and treacherous. Dana thought it would be a good idea to have friends along, but her sort-of-boyfriend, Ethan, and her bodyguard’s son, Keane, just can’t seem to get along, and Kimber’s crush on Keane isn’t making things any easier. When a violent attack separates Dana from their caravan, the sexy Erlking saves her just in the nick of time . . . and makes it clear that he hasn’t given up on making her his own.
Arriving at Titania’s beautiful palace should be a relief. But Dana is soon implicated in an assassination attempt against Titania’s granddaughter, and is suddenly a fugitive, forced to leave her father behind as she and her friends flee for their lives. Will she be able to prove her innocence before the forces of the Seelie Court—or, worse, the Erlking—catch up with her? And will she save her father before he pays the ultimate price in her stead?

Did you like it?                                                                   Rating:  3/6
                                I enjoyed visiting Dana’s world again. Though the dialogue can be juvenile at times, I still like how Jenna Black uses the sarcasm of a teenage girl’s mind to describe the world and choices her characters make. The characters were typical faeries; beautiful, aloof, and both amazed by and distrusting of humans. I wish I could say SIRENSONG wowed me, but I think I waited too long to finish this sereis for it to have any pinasche. I’ve always thought that Dana was a strong heroine due to her unwavering choices to stand up for those weaker or seen as “lesser” – ie. she supports the underdog and that is a trait I identify with very much. It was an enjoyable read.
What is it about?
                                Dana, being flaunted about for her father’s political ambitions, and yet simultaneously being guarded due to her influence and power for being a faeriewalker (one who can travel through both mortal and farie worlds (children of fae and human)), is getting tired of everyone trying to kill or control her in order to harness/destroy her power. It's very complicated being a powerful teenager. But then she gets invited to Queen Titiana’s court to be presented before the fae. The invitation is a forced one, using past crimes against Dana and her father, which are discussed in previous books, so they can’t say no. After much anticipation, the characters embark on the journey into faerie to the Court of Titiana, Queen of the Seelie.
                                The trip does not go without some hiccups --  for one being attacked by boggles, for two the Erlking learning of her true powers, and for three, the Green Lady taking Dana as a sacrifice. Eventually they arrive at court, only to have to almost immediately run away due to an assassination attempt on a princess of faerie. An attempt which could only be made by a faeriewalker.
                                So Dana and the group try to get back to the mortal world in order to escape the Queen’s wrath, but after too many missteps they are capture and returned to Queen Titiana.At which point Dana has to pull out the big guns and go big or go with Prince Henry to a most distasteful and controlled lifestyle.


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